Ashley Roberts

Ashley Roberts

Ashley Roberts is the Managing Editor of the Printing & Packaging Group.

Is Your Company Excluding Potential Customers?

While some might choose to look the other way in the presence of, in this case, racism or sexism, the act of excluding a person as a potential customer is not only bad for society, it’s bad for business.

VIDEO: Owner of Landmark Grafix Discusses Trends and Growth Opportunities for 2023

Our sister publication, Printing Impressions, stopped by Landmark Grafix in San Leandro, California, to speak with the full-service commercial printer's owner, John Sharp. Sharp gave us an inside look at the services Landmark provides, the trends he sees taking hold in 2023, and how the company expects to grow over the next 12 months.

Follow Us on the #RoadToPRINTINGUnited

In the weeks leading up to PRINTING United Expo, taking place in Las Vegas, Oct. 19-21, we will be sharing our #RoadToPRINTINGUnited! Follow along with us as we share our stops along the way — visiting with print shops across the country.