On the Show Floor
You see the opportunity that digital garment printing could bring to your shop. You have attended the sessions and learned all that you can at SGIA Expo 2017, and now you feel ready to walk the floor and start comparing technologies and textiles, and determining which path is right for you.
You’re in luck, because the SGIA Expo is a great place to see a wide range of solutions, ask questions and form the partnerships you will need to be successful. “Trade shows are the most valuable opportunity for customers to research all of these challenges, and SGIA is the best show that encompasses the most valuable array of fabrics, equipment, inks, software and finishing equipment available,” says Ken Siecinski, Program Manager Activewear & Outerwear, Top Value Fabrics (Booth 2155).
“Textile printers and finishing equipment will be shown,” says David Conrad, Director of Sales and Marketing, Mutoh America, Inc. (Booth 2545). He went on to note that, “For production facilities looking to add capacity without spending hundreds of thousands of dollars, Mutoh will have our new 72-inch ValueJet 1948WX four head high speed dye sublimation printer on display, as well as our 72-inch 1938TX textile printer, which is priced to get designers into custom sample production.”
They aren’t the only ones who will have equipment on the show floor, either. Roland DGA (Booth 601)will also have digital textile printers on display. “SGIA 2017 attendees can stop by the Roland DGA booth to check out innovative Texart RT-640 dye-sublimation printer, which is uniquely designed to optimize sublimation output while minimizing operating costs,” says Lily Hunter, Product Manager, Textiles and Consumables. “We’ll also be showcasing other types of inkjets and applications for apparel decoration, such as eco-solvent print/cut for use with heat transfer films. Different types of media, including fabrics and heat transfer films, will be on display as well, along with calender heat presses and other finishing products.”
Henri Coëme, Global Sales Manager, Imaging Products, Hix Corporation (Booths 2900 and 2901), points out that his company will also have the “HIX LF-4464 Large Format press for textile and non-textile sublimation and lamination, and HIX Countertop and Conveyer SubliPro sublimation ovens for drink wear printing” on display, giving those looking to invest a wide range of options, depending on the specific type of garment printing they want to add to their lineup.
“OKI Data, the leader in toner-based heat transfer printing, has fully embraced the growing digital printer trend and will be showcasing at its booth the image transfer output of the Pro8432WT Digital Color Printer, which delivers white toner technology with solid opacity plus CMY color,” notes Matt Davies, National Sales Director, New Business Development, Oki Data Americas (Booth 2233). “Because of the breakthrough in printing with white toner, this printer produces incredibly vibrant color transfers on both light and dark apparel as well as hard goods, promotional merchandise and more. Show attendees will also be introduced to OKI Data’s C711WT Digital Color Printer, which also features its white toner solution as a cost-effective alternative for in-house production, as well as OKI Data’s Pro6410 NeonColor Printer, a unique, professional digital printer for spectacular and affordable fluorescent color transfers.”
“We will be displaying technologies that can effect personalization on literally anything in multiple ways,” says Reuben Quesus, Director of Business Development, Racad Tech Inc. (Booth 2610). “Our technology does everything, and therefore we will be displaying several ways in which manufacturers can achieve personalization online with relative ease.”
However, says Gerri Rhein, Sales and Marketing, Brown Manufacturing Group Inc. (Booths 1845 and 3301), printers should think about more than just the equipment. “Buyers need to look for faster production that includes tracking and control software. Machinery now has to produce the garment, but it also must alert the production system that the garment is finished. This information must connect to the shipping system and be relayed to the end user. Production tools that offer connective software packages and connect between segments of the production floor are hot items for anyone offering online sales.”